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Borscana Borzoi © 1993-2025
Ch Borscana Cloudy Day

Dual Champion

Borscana Cloudy Day


  • Owner: R Lynn Shell, Gryffyn's Aeyrie, Texas, USA
  • 2003 top 10 ASFA and #1 NOTRA

Monkee's first American show weekend, she took Reserve Winners both days, in the presence of a nice entry. Her second weekend out, she won Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex over a bitch special both days, earning a total of 4 points. She was eleven months old at the time.

Monkee has also been participating in running sports and has had some success in that area. In 2002 she earned her AKC Senior Courser, ASFA Field Champion, Gazehound Racing Champion and AKC Field Champion titles! She started out 2003 by finishing the requirements for her Junior Oval Racer title. Although she's come to feel that she should be designing her own lure courses on some days - her enthusiasm definitely shines through!

Monkee finished her AKC conformation championship in style, with a Best of Breed win over several specials at the San Antonio River Cluster in July 2003 Monkee placing 3rd in Open out of 23 class entries at the Borzoi Club of Northern California Specialty show in Reno, 2003 8 years old 8 years old